Mount Meru Group umbrellas 8 main companies: Acer Petroleum (T) Ltd, Mount Meru Petroleum Ltd, Mount Meru Millers Ltd, Mount Meru Logistics Ltd, Acer Infrastructure, Acer Petroleum, Acer Logistics, Mount Meru Retail Ltd. Each of these companies operates as an independent strategic business unit. However, these individual companies use group management resources as and when required. The group is professionally managed by competent personnel on board. We lay great emphasis on practicing fair trade policies and maintaining a high ethical standard within the company.
Mount Meru believes in delivering World Class products with a passion to create the unusual at
the most economic prices.
Mount Meru Group is one of the largest business groups with a vision to be positioned as one of the
largest corporate houses in East and Central Africa. Established in 1979, the group has grown from
a small trading enterprise to a leading player in Petroleum Products, Edible Oil, and Logistics. The
Company’s main line of business has been the importation and distribution of petroleum products to
its customers. Group activities are located in Sub-Saharan Africa.